Friday, January 7, 2011

The New Testament

This year in Church, our Gospel Doctrine Sunday school classes will be studying and reading over the New Testament in the Bible. I have always loved the New Testament, and know that the writings therein are true. My most favorite part of the New Testament are the books referred to as the gospels. The life and teachings of Christ show forth an example for the world to follow.

In the Ensign (which is the monthly magazine of the church), an article was posted about the historical context of the New Testament. I have included a link at the bottom if this article if you would like to read it in its entirety. Most of my blog post will center on some things taht I have learned form that article.

One of the most interesting things that I was able to take from this article was the layout of the NewTestament. It has been supposed that the organization of the New Testament mirrors that of the Old Testament. The Old Testament starts out with whats commonly referred to as the Law, which is mirrored by the Gospels. The Law in the Old Testament is proceeded by a lot of history, which would mirror the Book of Acts in the New Testament. After that the Prophets would be likened to the Epistles in the New Testament. Finally, Malachi in the Old Testament would mirror Revelations in the New Testament. Both these last two books would be considered apocalypses, looking forward to the Second Coming of our Lord.

Another interesting fact that I was able to learn was the effort on the part of early Christaians to perserve the texts of the New Testament. I know that these writings have been protected by the hand of God, and brought forth in these the latter days for our benefit!

In the name of Jesus Christ,

Ensign Article Link

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