Recently, I stumpled upon an article(Three Stars Article) in the Ensign that I really liked. It talked about a Navy officer that was in charge of navigation back in the days when there were no GPS systems or similar technology. In order to navigate this man had to use the stars. Seems pretty primitive, but I guess it worked! In order to pinpoint the location of his ship, he needed to at least get reading on two stars. A third star however, could give him a surety of his location. He goes on to relate an instance in which he was navigating through perilous waters, and had to incorporate a third star to keep his ship and men safe.
In first Corinthians 13:1 Paul writes"This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three awitnesses shall every word be established". From the beginning our Heavenly Father has given us the law of witnesses to prove the surety of all things. Can you imagine having to take one mans word against the word of another in hearing a court case? Similar to the story of the three stars, two witnesses will give us a fairly decent idea of what has happened. The presence of three witnesses however, will help us pinpoint exactly what has happened.
When restoring the Church, our Heavenly Father gave us the Book of Mormon, supported by the testimonies of Three Witnesses (Introduction to The Book of Mormon). Not only were these three given, but additional witnesses were provided. The Book of Mormon acts as another testament of the divinity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and supports the Bible as another witness of the events and prophecies therein. If the Old Testament would be considered the first star, and the New Testament the second star, The Book of Mormon would be the third star, giving us a surety of all these things! I know that it is true, and that all men can find its truthfullness by reading and praying about its contents
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